Upcoming activities.

Quinzaine de l’économie Circulaire

Quinzaine de l’économie Circulaire

♻️  Quinzaine de l’économie Circulaire ♻️

 🌍 Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier à une après-midi de découverte de l’économie circulaire, au travers d’une session de Risk and Race, animée par des consultants de ngage !

🎲Le Risk&Race est un jeu de plateau conçu pour initier, de manière pratique et ludique, les joueurs à l'économie circulaire en les plaçant dans la peau d'un dirigeant d'entreprise de production. Au cours du jeu les joueurs auront un aperçu :

  • Des différences et avantages d'un modèle circulaire vis à vis d'un modèle linéaire

  • Des différentes stratégies et modèles d'entreprises circulaires (design circulaire, recyclage, économie de la fonctionnalité, allongement de la durée de vie, etc).

  • De l'impact de la transformation vers un modèle circulaire sur leur performance et leur résilience face aux évènements extérieurs

 📌Le mercredi 31 mai de 14h00 à 18h00 au OFF Meeting Wavre.

 📝Les places sont limitées donc inscrivez-vous vite

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Kiss the Ground

Kiss the Ground

📌Événement destiné aux entreprises en transition, pour des solutions durables et locales

  Votre entreprise souhaite-t-elle s’engager davantage dans la durabilité et découvrir les solutions locales qui s’offrent à elle ?

➡ Cet événement est fait pour vous ! Inscrivez-vous à notre événement, réalisé en partenariat avec Farming for Climate, Vestaculture, BeeOdiversity et House of Agroecology. Apprenez-en davantage sur l’importance de la biodiversité et de la santé du sol sur le climat, et découvrez comment vous pouvez devenir un acteur opérant dans la durabilité, ici, en Belgique.

 Inscription gratuite avant le 15 mai, en suivant ce lien : https://kisstheground30052023.eventbrite.fr

Nous avons hâte d’échanger avec vous !

Nous sommes convaincus que chacun de nous peut être un ambassadeur de la transition agroécologique. Avec cet événement, nous désirons montrer aux entreprises que des solutions existent au niveau local, et leur faire prendre conscience qu'elles peuvent investir et/ou démarrer leur transition afin d'avoir un impact positif pour la nature.

Rapprocher deux mondes jusqu'à présent éloignés : le monde des entreprises et le monde de l'agroécologie

Nous prescrivons souvent aux entreprises une posture plus proactive envers l’environnement et sa préservation, mais les solutions leur semblent moins évidentes. En les sensibilisant à l’importance de la santé des sols, de l’agroécologie et de la biodiversité, nous cherchons à créer des ponts entre les entreprises et l’agriculture. Il existe des solutions simples qui leur permettent d'avoir un impact sociétal et environnemental concret et local. Nous souhaitons susciter la curiosité des professionnels et leur montrer qu'il est possible d'investir dans des projets qui ont du sens et qui ont une haute valeur ajoutée environnementale.

L’importance du sol

En plus d'être un réservoir de biodiversité précieuse, le sol permet de stocker du carbone, de restaurer des écosystèmes, d'améliorer la gestion de l'eau et de faire face à la crise climatique. Le sol est aussi le garant de notre résilience et de la qualité alimentaire à l'échelle locale. Il est donc essentiel de préserver sa santé, en faisant revenir les Hommes à la terre. L’agroécologie se présente comme étant l’un des leviers d'action les plus pertinents pour soutenir la biodiversité, la santé des sols, et par conséquent la santé humaine.

L’idée de l'agroécologie est d’écouter, d’observer la nature et de lui donner tous les moyens naturels pour lui permettre de produire dans des bonnes conditions.

  • Aujourd'hui au sein de l'Union Européenne, 61 % des terres sont dégradées.

  • En Belgique depuis les années 1950, la teneur en matières organiques des sols a connu une baisse systématique de l'ordre de 20 %.

C'est pour cela que cette mission nous tient à cœur : informer pour changer les pratiques. Grâce à l'agroécologie,

  • 3 tonnes de CO2 peuvent être séquestrées ou évitées par an et par hectare.


L'événement se déroulera le mardi 30 mai 2023, en français, à Wavre. Une édition ultérieure en néerlandais est prévue pour la deuxième partie d'année.


“La solution se trouve en dessous de nos pieds” : le documentaire inspirant et novateur Kiss the Ground, révèle la première solution viable à notre crise climatique. Le film, initié par le mouvement américain portant son nom et narré par Woody Harrelson, a été réalisé par Joshua et Rebecca Tickell. Il propose une vue globale mais précise de l’importance de la santé du sol. L’agriculture régénératrice peut apporter un nouvel équilibre au climat, reconstituer les réserves d’eau et restaurer la souveraineté alimentaire, tout cela grâce aux bonnes pratiques du sol. Ce documentaire de 85 minutes détaille comment ce type d’agriculture pourrait littéralement changer le monde. Ce film est le parfait point d’entrée à la thématique lors de notre événement.


Chaque organisateur animera un stand. Le but de celui-ci est de fournir des informations détaillées et de proposer des témoignages divers aux participants afin d'aller plus loin que le film, et de montrer qu’il existe toute une palette de solutions prêtes à être mises en œuvre par les entreprises : elles peuvent faire le premier pas dès aujourd’hui.


Les organisateurs:

  • The House of Agroecology (HoA) se focalise sur l'accélération de la transition agroécologique. Pour ce faire, elle relie les différents acteurs de l'agroécologie, permettant alors de proposer collectivement des actions concrètes, opérationnelles et innovantes. La HoA vise également à favoriser la transition agroécologique des filières agro-alimentaires existantes et le développement de nouvelles, et ce dans l'intérêt de ses membres, agriculteurs, entreprises, associations et la societé.

  • Farming for Climate met en relation des entreprises et des particuliers, apportant aux agriculteurs des moyens afin de transitionner vers des pratiques du sol plus régénératives. Grâce aux montants récoltés auprès des entreprises et des particuliers, l’asbl apporte aux agriculteurs des moyens supplémentaires pour permettre un changement durable et résilient. Ce nouveau modèle écosystémique permet de contribuer à la préservation de la planète et d’arriver à plus de résilience alimentaire.

  • Vestaculture conçoit, aménage et entretient des jardins comestibles, forêts nourricières, microfermes, projets d'agriculture urbaine. Ses projets sont réalisés sur toiture ou en pleine terre et ce, partout en Belgique depuis 2016. Leur branche Greendays installe des toitures végétales pour toits plats et en pente pour des villes plus résilientes et plus belles. Que vous soyez un particulier, un professionnel, une commune, une école... Plantons ensemble demain dès aujourd'hui !

  • BeeOdiversity fournit des données et indicateurs, solutions et conseils stratégiques aux entreprises et pouvoirs publics pour qu’ils deviennent des références en matière de biodiversité et génèrent une valeur économique, environnementale et sociale. Ses solutions de monitoring de la biodiversité et des polluants agricoles et industriels sont utilisés dans plus de 20 pays par de nombreux acteurs tels que Spadel, Veolia, Bouygues, Danone.

Les soutiens:

  • L'asbl Terre & Conscience est une "école" de la Terre qui propose des rencontres, apprentissages et formations dans les domaines de la permaculture, l'agroécologie, la biodynamie, la transition... afin de renforcer notre lien à la nature, à la terre et au vivant et d'ainsi participer au projet de transformation du monde.

  • Avec plus d’un million de hommes et de femmes qui lui font confiance et adhèrent à ses valeurs, Ethias est aujourd’hui le 4e assureur du pays et le préféré des Belges. Consciente de sa responsabilité sociale, sociétale et environnementale, l'entreprise se distingue depuis le début de son histoire par son envie et sa capacité d’innover durablement.

  • L’ Union Wallonne des Entreprises est l'organisation des employeurs privés qui agit pour assurer la prospérité de la Wallonie, à travers la mise en place et le soutien d'un climat et d'un cadre qui permettent la création et le développement d'entreprises compétitives et durables.

  • L'Alliance Centre BW est consciente de la responsabilité qu’a le monde économique sur les changements auxquels nous faisons face. Selon elle, les entreprises ont une capacité à œuvrer pour un monde meilleur. L’Alliance Centre BW tient à assumer ses responsabilités et mettre en place un environnement propice qui permet à tout un chacun d’entreprendre une démarche de développement durable et concrète.

  • NOW Ecosystem est un collectif qui veut inspirer et challenger la façon dont les professionnels pensent et agissent pour un avenir durable et inclusif. Le NOW Ecosystem organise toutes sortes d'activités où les personnes peuvent échanger sur leurs expériences et leurs défis, dans le but d'accélérer la transition écologique dans leur entreprise

  • The Shift is the Belgian sustainability community that brings together diverse members and partners in actively moving towards a more sustainable economy and society. The Shift joins forces with both national and international partners to facilitate the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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NOW & IÉSEG School of Management - “Sustainability & Climate Risk”
to Oct 5

NOW & IÉSEG School of Management - “Sustainability & Climate Risk”

NOW-Ecosystem is glad to announce its partnership with IÉSEG School of Management as part of the executive program “Sustainability & Climate Risk” which will begin in May.  

•        Understand what sustainability and climate changes are and their place in the current economic environment.

•        Prepare for the internationally recognized SCR certification (delivered by GARP) – risk policy, governance, and measurement.

  We are convinced that this 11 days program may be of interest to you.

 We hope you will find it interesting and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, we will be more than happy to provide further information!


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Documentary and Debate “The Sirens of Green Finance”

Documentary and Debate “The Sirens of Green Finance”

Screening (in FR) of "The Sirens of Green Finance", followed by a debate on Sustainable Finance products, with Christel Dumas, Nicolas Crochet, and further panelists to be announced. The debate will be animated by Isabelle de Laminne.

“The Sirens of Green Finance” (original title La Finance lave plus vert) is a short film co-produced by Arte and directed by Romain Girard and Matteo Born, based on an investigation by journalists François Pilet and Marie Maurisse

Synopsis: Banks and public institutions had anticipated the arrival of the green wave. For several years now, two words have obsessed them to no end. But what does the term "sustainable finance" really disguise? Journalists François Pilet and Marie Maurisse have delved into the workings of sustainable finance in Switzerland and Europe and have dissected the ethical investment funds marketed by the banks. The reality they uncovered has nothing to do with the "green" financial products advertised by banking institutions. Will the financial industry become the new spearhead of the green wave? Whether by investing our savings or through our social insurance, the promises of green finance concern us all. What influence can we wield as companies and citizens?

Following the screening of La Finance lave plus vert, we will continue our reflection on the reality of sustainable finance, in order to define how Finance can really contribute to accelerate the sustainability transition of companies.

We are delighted to welcome following invitees for the debate:

Nicolas Crochet is Co-founder and CEO of Funds for Good.
After a career in the field of investment advice and asset management for major international groups, and eager to create investment solutions that combine a very concrete societal impact with an interesting financial return, Nicolas co-founded Funds For Good in 2011. The company, unique in its kind, donates half of its own profits to a social project, which they also manage. The project consists in granting loans in interest or guarantees, as well as support, to people in precarious situations or to social entrepreneurs, in order to enable them to launch their own entrepreneurial project. Funds For Good generates its income through the distribution of socially responsible and profitable investment funds.

Christel Dumas is a doctor in applied economics, Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Research at Ichec Brussels Management School. Her areas of work cover Sustainable finance, Finance in Organization theory, Responsible Investment, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility. Christel is also Ethics Committee Member of Solifin, the network of financial actors active in the Belgian impact investing economy. She is Independent Register Committee Member at Forum Ethibel, External Advisory Board Member at Triodos Bank, CSR and SRI advisory committee member at KBC.

Frédéric Degembe is Head of Funds Management, Investment Office, ING Belgium. ING bank has made sustainability one of its priorities for its activities both in credit and investment. Frédéric is expert in Global Multi-Assets fund management, Equity Fund Management, Pension Funds and Sustainable Investment.

The debate will be moderated by Isabelle de Laminne. Isabelle is an economist and freelance journalist at La Libre Belgique and created the financial blog www.moneystore.be. She is co-founder of Fintech Belgium.

Program :

5.30 pm: welcoming

6.00 pm: screening (in french)

7.00 pm: panel debate

8.00 pm: networking @ the bar

→ Tickets are available here : 15€ (tax incl.)

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Now Ecosystem welcomes M. Mathieu Michel: "How can digitalisation support the sustainable business transition?"

Now Ecosystem welcomes M. Mathieu Michel: "How can digitalisation support the sustainable business transition?"

NOW Ecosystem invites to reflect on the impact of digitalisation on the sustainable transition of your company. Listen to and question our speakers on the subject!

We are delighted to welcome:

Mr. Mathieu Michel, Secretary of State for Digitalisation, Secretary of State for Digitalisation, in charge of Administrative Simplification, Protection of Privacy and Public Building Management, assistant to the Prime Minister, since 1 October 2020.

Mathieu Michel will expose the main digital priorities during his mandate. He will talk with us about how the ICT industry can be an ally in the sustainable transition of the economy and how to avoid the pitfalls of negative externalities linked to digital development.

Frédéric Pivetta, Founder and CEO at Dalberg Data Insights and member of the ExecutiveCommittee of Dalberg Group. Frederic has been active over the last 10 years in the context of data, technology and social impact where he collaborated with major funders (e.g. Gates Foundation, United Nations) and local stakeholders.

Frédéric is on the Board of Accountable (fintech) and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (Big Data for SDGs, as part of the UN). He is a New Champion of the World Economic Forum, as well as a Digital Minds for Belgium (group of 22 people appointed by the Minister of Digital to help design the digital agenda for the Belgium). He is a founding member of AI4Belgium and has been talking at multiple conferences (e.g. TEDx). He plays the role of fund manager at Miles Ahead (Deep Tech Fund and start-up studio).

Before that, Frédéric was a co-founder of Real Impact Analytics (now Riaktr), which develops Big Data tools for telecom operators. He has also been working 8 years at McKinsey & Company. Frederic holds a PhD in Economics from Harvard University and has graduated in Business Economics and in Econometrics from ULB and Solvay Business School.

Clarisse Ramakers, Managing Director of Agoria Wallonie. A lawyer by training, Clarisse Ramakers has always been attracted to public affairs and the leverage that politics can have on the economy. She holds a Master degree in Business Management and worked for 4 years in a ministerial cabinet. She then turned to business lobbying. She has represented the self-employed and small and medium-sized enterprises in a sector that is key to the competitiveness of our companies and our country: technology companies.

Clarisse Ramakers will talk, amongst other, about the "Digital4Climate" study Agoria carried out in collaboration with Accenture. This Belgian study provides scientific figures, concrete examples and recommendations on the potential of digital technologies to reduce CO2 emissions in our country, especially in carbon-intensive sectors.

Olivier Vergeynst, Director of the Belgian Institute for Digital Responsibility. With more than 20 years of experience in international companies as an IT manager, Olivier Vergeynst has previously led technical teams in Europe, the United States and Asia in financial and payment systems, telecommunications, application development, and IT infrastructure and operations.

ISIT-BE asbl is growing international community of more than 200 members bringing together economic actors in favor of a more responsible, ethical, human and environmentally friendly digital transformation. Olivier will explain how understanding, controlling and reducing the environmental and social impacts of an organization's digital services is an essential part of its CSR strategy.

The climate, health and energy crises have shown that digital transformation is a key issue for Belgian companies. However, its negative environmental impacts can negate other efforts to reduce the carbon footprint and also become a source of exclusion. Adopting Responsible Digital can save money and give you a significant competitive advantage! But how do you actually go about it? → This debate on Digital Sustainability will summarise the issues, provide practical answers and present the actions to be implemented in companies.

Join us for this exciting session and register here (p.a.f. 35€)

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NOW Ecosystem invites Entrepreneuriat & Transition:  Foundations of transitioning entrepreneurship

NOW Ecosystem invites Entrepreneuriat & Transition: Foundations of transitioning entrepreneurship

This focus day regroups a dozen organisations* inventing a truly sustainable entrepreneurship, through the ecological and social transition of organisations.

This event was conceived as an experimental day to test new transitions in business, by soliciting the radicality and interiority of entrepreneurs!

The activities during the day will be organised around the theme "How can I mobilise my inner resources and work better together, to accelerate the entrepreneurial transition? “

Informations et subscribtion on https://assises-entrepreneuriat-transition-2022.be/

* Entrepreneuriat & Transition, Corporate ReGeneration, Create Love in business, Ecopreneur-Kaya, Germoir des Fontaines, Innerpreneurs, La Smala, Now Ecosystem, OpenFlow, OuiShare, Pulsitive, The Blind Spot & 2030.

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Round tables on impact financing

Round tables on impact financing

How can companies and investors make an impact by facilitating the funding process of a socially and environmentally responsible economy in Belgium.

Whether through crowdfunding, public funding, banks, credit institutions or private funds, several solutions exist, but which one is most appropriate for you, as a company or as an investor?

Our guests will be announced shortly

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Sustainable communication versus greenwashing

Sustainable communication versus greenwashing

Today, the challenge of sustainable transition is at the heart of most companies' business models, all the more so for sectors where CO2 emissions are significant and touch the heart of the business. It is no longer sufficient to take initiatives on the fringes of activities and to green the communication in order to satisfy stakeholders. Climate change is here and it affects companies at their core.

The public demands transparency and consistency and severely punishes as greenwashing any communication of its transition initiatives, if it deems them insufficient. At a time when offsetting CO2 emissions as the only transition tool is no longer accepted, it remains a real challenge to initiate a business model transition process and communicate it to all stakeholders, having diverging interests.

The round tables proposed by NOW Ecosystem will be an opportunity to discuss this major challenge over lunch, in a confidential and free speech atmosphere. Our three guests work in sectors where CO2 emissions are a key issue and will have the opportunity to present their challenges and implemented solutions.

Our guests

Denis Dumont is the CEO and Chief Nuclear Officer of Tractebel, and has more than 25 years of experience in the energy sector. European nuclear and energy challenges are key in the debate to reach carbon neutrality, and source of polarizing discussions, making it a major challenge to communicate on the subject.

Cédric de Meeûs currently leads the Group Public Affairs & Government Relations function at LafargeHolcim, the leading global construction materials company. He is a sustainability and public affairs professional with 24 years of international experience spanning several sectors, senior leadership roles and cultures. He has acquired extensive experience in embedding sustainability prerogatives in corporate strategies and communication, alongside the integration of sustainability-related public policy in sectoral and corporate decision-making processes. Cédric is an environmental engineer by training.

Juan-Andrés Murillo is Managing Director of Carmeuse Western Europe, the global manufacturer of lime, limestone and mineral-based products. He has an extensive and international history of working in the mineral industry and his executive experience focuses on building resilient organizations, driving organizational transformations, managing the P&L rigorously and developing performing and participative teams. In a sector where energy efficiency is key, he interacts with all stakeholders on a win-win basis, with the objective to build sustainable business models.

→ by personal invitation

If, as a member of management or board, you wish to participate to our round tables, please mail to together@now-ecosystem.com

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NOW Ecosystem welcomes BMMA : "How to communicate fairly on your transition efforts?"

NOW Ecosystem welcomes BMMA : "How to communicate fairly on your transition efforts?"

Faced with increasingly demanding consumers regarding sustainability guarantees on one end, and authorities hoping to influence consumer behavior through marketing and advertising constraints on the other end, companies are at a loss when it comes to communicating their transition efforts.

The urgency to accelerate initiatives at all levels of society and the economy towards a more sustainable world is now widely shared. But if we have the intuition that communicating massively on the subject is one of the ways to modify individual and collective choices, sustainability becomes a lever systematically used by marketers, sometimes justifiably, sometimes abusively, creating even more confusion for consumers.

At a time when greenwashing is being tracked down by all, between supporters of “must speak up” (even if we are still lacking in coherence), and those who “must remain silent” until they are beyond reproach, we need marketing guidance more than ever.

At the head of AIR, one of the pioneering advertising agencies in the field of sustainability, Stéphane Buisseret, accompanied by José Fernandez, Chief Customer Experience Officer at D’Ieteren, will enlighten us, with passion and commitment, during a lunch session, on the codes of fair but also impactful communication in the field of sustainability and new business models.

Stéphane Buisseret - CEO of Air

After a masters degree in communication at IHECS, Stéphane started his career in advertising. At 35 he was the youngest ad agency’s CEO of his generation and had the privilege to lead multiple Publicis Group’s agencies across several cultures and markets from Belgium to the Netherlands and EMEA’s.

Stéphane has always been driven by passion and is convinced that “brands can play a meaningful role in people’s life”. Air has always been very engaged in social, societal and environmental matters. Defending human rights for more than 20 years with Amnesty International. Helping change mentalities towards Handicap with Cap 48 for decades.

However the urge to build a better world and the need for a dramatic behavioral change have convinced him that Air should go all the way. This is where they decided that their sustainable commitment would become an essential part of their business. In full agreement with Gandhi’s apocryphal quote “be the change you want to see in the world”, Air is today one of the very first agencies in Belgium awaiting the b-corp certification.

José Fernandez - Chief Customer Experience, Marketing & Digital Officer, D’Ieteren  

With more than 30 years’ experience in marketing, José Fernandez began his career with the Vandemoortele Group, where he occupied a number of different Sales & Marketing positions, both in Belgium and internationally. Then, as Associate Partner, he was involved with the launch of Actito, the pioneer of CRM in the Belgian market, before moving to LBI, one of the largest digital marketing agencies, which subsequently became part of the Publicis Group under the name of Digital. He occupied the position of Client Service and Strategy Director, before being appointed CEO for Belgium. José took his career a step further at Dentsu as Chief Commercial Officer and Managing Director of iProspect.

José Fernandez  joined D’Ieteren as a member of the Management Board in September 2019, to oversee the transformation of Belgium’s leading company in the automotive sector. He is Chief Customer Experience, Marketing & Digital Officer at D’Ieteren, where he manages the media, CRM, customer experience, digital marketing, Data and Events teams that operate transversally to support all areas of the company’s sales activities.

José is a regular keynote speaker on the marketing scene in Belgium, playing a role with BAM, the ACC and UBA (where he is also a member of the Executive Committee and chairs the media expert group). He has also taught digital marketing at ICHEC.

Program details :

11.45 am: welcoming

12 > 2 pm: lunch and debate

This activity is organized in parternship with BMMA

→ Tickets : 80€  (vat excluded.)

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Screening and debate of the documentary "The Green Lie"

Screening and debate of the documentary "The Green Lie"

Screening (in FR) of the documentary "The Green Lie" by Werner Boote and Kathrin Hartmann, followed by a debate on "green" communication.

Synopsis: Today, industrialists invest a lot of time and money in "greening" their image: electric cars, organic palm oil, fair trade products... everything is done to make us feel less guilty and explain that we could save the world by consuming these products. But what if, instead of saving the world, these responsible purchases only made the multinationals richer?Werner Boote and Kathrin Hartmann traveled the world to reveal the other side of the coin. A committed investigation into the growing phenomenon of greenwashing, which is in reality a global lie, organized to maintain industry's profits. A documentary that challenges consumers about their power as citizens.

Our panelists :

🧑🏻‍🏫 M. Nicolas Lambert , marketing & sustainability expert, loves to work at the crossroads of marketing and societal purpose. His commitment in general to the issue of sustainable marketing will bring interesting insights and perspectives to the debate;

🧑🏻‍🏫 M. Frank Mestdagh has a few decades of experience in leading functions in Retail and Food & Beverage and co-created in 2011 the food stores d’Ici, committed to offering tasty, local and sustainable products to all. He will tell us about the considerable impact that food has on our lives, and how our daily food choices contribute to the transition towards a fairer and more sustainable society.

🧑🏻‍🏫 M. Matthieu Leroy 🌄💡🌱 is member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps and will share his long experience in eco-design and sustainable procurement, for big corporates as well as an entrepreneur.

🧑🏻‍🏫 M. Christophe Girardier is an entrepreneur, founder of 3 companies in the field of NICT in France. He co-founded Glimpact in 2017, a new concept for the evaluation, analysis and development of the environmental performance of products and organizations, according to the new scientific doctrine "PEF" / " OEF "adopted in 2018 by the European Commission, in terms of defining the environmental footprint. 


Program :

5.30 pm: welcoming

6.00 pm: screening (in FR)

7.30 pm: panel debate

8.30 pm: networking @ the bar

Tickets are on sale NOW : 15€  (tax incl.)
The screening will be in FR

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